Welcome to my personal website!
My name is Onur Çelebi and I am a research engineer working at Meta AI.
One day will come, and I will update this website. In the meantime, you can read the two articles below.
Various Projects:
- "Call me maybe" (internship report in French) : Combinatorial mobile network optimization in a stochastic context
- You want a DSL to modelize your constraints in C++ and Concert© is too expensive? Try Rehearse: algebraic modeling library for Coin-Or solvers, it's free.
- I also like to play with javascript. Yama.js is my attempt to combine what I like most from some UI libraries.
- I don't have a twitter account, nor linkedin.
- Contact me by mail: "on.celebi" on gmail. ( 🇺🇸 English, 🇫🇷 Français, 🇹🇷 Türkçe )